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Winter in Minnesota…It’s cold, it’s long, and people like to complain about it. But what if we change that narrative? What if we’re the lucky ones to live in such bold chill? We can drive, bike, ski, snowmobile, dog sled, on the same lakes we boat and swim in each summer. From humid skies to ice crystals forming on our eyebrows, long sunny days outside turning to short cold afternoons spent snuggled by a fire. We have the unique opportunity to witness a stunning shift of seasons. Here’s to raising families finding joy in the wonder of winter!

There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing.

There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing.

Get crafty and color your own winter wonderland!

Get crafty and color your own winter wonderland!

Creative ideas to keep your family outside all winter long.

Creative ideas to keep your family outside all winter long.


Outdoor Resources in Minnesota